TNPSC Group 4 Recruitment 2024 – 6244 Vacancies – Apply Online Now

Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Recruitment 2024 – TNPSC invites Online applications for recruitment of 6244 Combined Civil Services Examination – IV (Group-IV Services) Vacancies Various Posts. This online facility will be available in the Official website @ from 30.01.2024 to 28.02.2024. | tnpsc group 4 notification 2024 | tnpsc group 4 exam date 2024 | tnpsc group 4 exam date 2024 in tamil | tnpsc group 4 notification 2023 | tnpsc group 4 vao exam 2024.

Organization Name:

Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC)

TNPSC Group 4 Notification No:

Advertisement No. 678, / Notification No. 1 / 2024,  / Date: 30.01.2024

Jobs Category:

Tamilnadu Government Permanent Jobs 2024

Employment Type:

Permanent Basis

Total No of Vacancies:

Total 6244 Vacancies @ Combined Civil Services Examination – IV (Group-IV Services) (6244 Posts)

Place of Posting:

All Over Tamilnadu

TNPSC Group 4 Online Apply Starting Date:


TNPSC Group 4 Online Apply Last End Date:


Apply Mode:

Online @

Official Website Link:

TNPSC Group IV Recruitment 2024 – Name Of The Posts & Vacancy Details:

1. Posts Name: Village Administrative Officer

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service

VAO Total Vacancy: 108  Posts

2. Posts Name: Junior Assistant (Non-Security)

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial /Judicial Ministerial Service

JA Total Vacancy: 2442 Posts

3. Posts Name: Junior Assistant (Security)

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service

JA Total Vacancy: 44 posts

4. Posts Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

JA Total Vacancy: 10 Posts

5. Posts Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Waqf Board

JA Total Vacancy: 27 Posts

6. Posts Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board

JA Total Vacancy: 49 Posts

7. Posts Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation Ltd.,

JA Total Vacancy: 15 posts

8. Posts Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Text Book and Educational Services Corporation

JA Total Vacancy: 08 posts

9. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Medicinal Plant Farms and Herbal Medicine Corporation

Typist Total Vacancy: 10 posts

10. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial / Judicial Ministerial / Secretariat / Legislative Assembly Secretariat Service

Typist Total Vacancy: 1653 posts

11. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

Typist Total Vacancy: 03 posts

12. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

Typist Total Vacancy: 03 posts

13. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation Ltd.,

Typist Total Vacancy: 39 Posts

14. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Text Book and Educational Services Corporation

Typist Total Vacancy: 07 Posts

15. Posts Name: Steno-Typist (Grade – III)

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial / Judicial Ministerial Service

ST Total Vacancy: 441 Posts

16. Posts Name: Steno-Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

ST Total Vacancy: 02 Posts

17. Posts Name: Steno-Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Text Book and Educational Services Corporation

ST Total Vacancy: 02 Posts

18. Posts Name: Personal Assistant to Chairman (Steno Typist II)

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

PAC Total Vacancy: 01 Posts

19. Posts Name: Personal Clerk to Managing Director/General Manager (Steno Typist III)

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

Total Vacancy: 02 Posts

20. Posts Name: Private Secretary (Grade-III)

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

PS Total Vacancy: 04 Posts

21. Posts Name: Junior Executive (Office)

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

JE Total Vacancy: 34 Posts

22. Posts Name: Junior Executive (Typing)

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

JE Total Vacancy: 07 Posts

23. Posts Name: Receptionist – Telephone Operator

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

TO Total Vacancy: 01 Posts

24.  Posts Name: Milk Recorder, Grade III

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

MR Total Vacancy: 15 Posts

25. Posts Name: Laboratory Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Forensic Science Subordinate Service

LA Total Vacancy: 25 Posts

26. Posts Name: Bill Collector

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service / Town Panchayat Department

BC Total Vacancy: 66 Posts

27. Posts Name: Senior Factory Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

SFA Total Vacancy: 49 Posts

28. Posts Name: Forest Guard

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

FG Total Vacancy: 171 Posts

29. Posts Name: Forest Guard with Driving License

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

FG Total Vacancy: 192 Posts

30. Posts Name: Forest Watcher

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

FW Total Vacancy: 526 Posts

31. Posts Name: Forest Watcher (Tribal Youth)

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

FW Total Vacancy: 288 Posts

32. Posts Name: Junior Inspector of Cooperative Societies

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

JICS  Total Vacancy: 01 Posts

TNPSC Group IV Recruitment 2024- Educational Qualification:

1. Post Name: Village Administrative Officer

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service

Qualification: Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification (10th Pass)

2. Post Name: Junior Assistant (Security)

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service

Qualification: Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification (10th Pass)

3. Post Name: Junior Assistant (Security)

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service

Qualification: Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification (10th Pass)

4. Post Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Text Book and Educational Services Corporation

Qualification: Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification (10th Pass)

5. Post Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board

Qualification: A degree from a recognized University or Institution

6. Post Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation Ltd.,

Qualification: A degree from a recognized University or Institution

7. Post Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Waqf Board

Qualification: 1. A degree from a recognized University or Institution
2. Preference shall be given to Law Graduates if other things are being equal among Law and Non-Law Graduates

8. Post Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Medicinal Plant Farms and Herbal Medicine Corporation Ltd., –

Qualification: 1. A degree from a recognized University or Institution
2. Must have passed the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu

Note: Candidates who possess a Degree (or) Diploma in Computer Science (or) Computer Engineering (or) Computer Application (or) Information Technology (or) Software Engineering (or) Computing (or) Computer Information System (or) Computer Design approved by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education/ Directorate of Technical Education (or) an equivalent body shall not be required to acquire the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation.

9. Post Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

Qualification: 1. A degree from a recognized University or Institution
2. Must have passed the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu

Note: Candidates who possess a Degree (or) Diploma in Computer Science (or) Computer Engineering (or) Computer Application (or) Information Technology (or) Software Engineering (or) Computing (or) Computer Information System (or) Computer Design approved by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education/ Directorate of Technical Education (or) an equivalent body shall not be required to acquire the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation.

10. Post Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial / Judicial Ministerial / Secretariat / Legislative Assembly Secretariat Service –

Qualification: 1. Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification
2. Must have passed the Government Technical Examination in Typewriting;
– by Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and English (or)
– by Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and Lower/ Junior Grade in English (or)
– by Higher / Senior Grade in English and Lower / Junior Grade in Tamil
3. A pass in Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu

Note: Candidates who possess a Degree (or) Diploma in Computer Science (or) Computer Engineering (or) Computer Application (or) Information Technology (or) Software Engineering (or) Computing (or) Computer Information System (or) Computer Design approved by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education/ Directorate of Technical Education (or) an equivalent body shall not be required to acquire the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation.
Candidates who do not possess Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu may also apply. If selected, they should acquire such qualification within the period of their probation or within two years from the date of appointment to the post, as the case may be.

11. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

Qualification: 1. Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification
2. Must have passed the Government Technical Examinations in English Typewriting by Higher / Senior Grade and Tamil Typewriting by Lower / Junior Grade
3. Must have passed the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu

Note: Candidates who possess a Degree (or) Diploma in Computer Science (or) Computer Engineering (or) Computer Application (or) Information Technology (or) Software Engineering (or) Computing (or) Computer Information System (or) Computer Design approved by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education/ Directorate of Technical Education (or) an equivalent body shall not be required to acquire the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation.

12. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

Qualification: 1. Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification
2. Must have passed the Government Technical Examination in Typewriting by Higher / Senior Grade in English and Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil
3. A Pass in Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu

Note: Candidates who possess a Degree (or) Diploma in Computer Science (or) Computer Engineering (or) Computer Application (or) Information Technology (or) Software Engineering (or) Computing (or) Computer Information System (or) Computer Design approved by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education/ Directorate of Technical Education (or) an equivalent body shall not be required to acquire the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation. Candidates who do not possess a Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu may also apply. If selected, they should acquire such qualification within the period of their probation or within two years from the date of appointment to the post, as the case may be.

13. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation Ltd.,

Qualification: 1. Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification
2. Must have passed the Government Technical Examination in Typewriting;
a. by Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and English (or)
b. by Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and Lower/ Junior Grade in English (or)
c. by Higher/Senior Grade in English and Lower/ Junior Grade in Tamil
3. A pass in Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu

Note: Candidates who possess a Degree (or) Diploma in Computer Science (or) Computer Engineering (or) Computer Application (or) Information Technology (or) Software Engineering (or) Computing (or) Computer Information System (or) Computer Design approved by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education/ Directorate of Technical Education (or) an equivalent body shall not be required to acquire the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation.
Candidates who do not possess a Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu may also apply. If selected, they should acquire such qualification within the period of their probation or within two years from the date of appointment to the post, as the case may be.

14. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Text Book and Educational Services Corporation

Qualification: 1. Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification
2. Must have passed the Government Technical Examinations
a. in Typewriting (English) Higher / Senior Grade and
b. in Typewriting (Tamil) Lower / Junior Grade
3. A pass in Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu

Note: Candidates who possess a Degree (or) Diploma in Computer Science (or) Computer Engineering (or) Computer Application (or) Information Technology (or) Software Engineering (or) Computing (or) Computer Information System (or) Computer Design approved by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education/ Directorate of Technical Education (or) an equivalent body shall not be required to acquire the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation.
Candidates who do not possess Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu may also apply.

15. Posts Name: Steno-Typist (Grade – III)

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial / Judicial Ministerial Service

Qualification: 1. Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification
2. Must have passed the Government Technical Examination both in Typewriting and in Shorthand;
– by Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and English (or)
– by Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and Lower/Junior Grade in English (or)
– by Higher / Senior Grade in English and Lower/ Junior Grade in Tamil.
3. A pass in Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu

Note: Candidates who possess a Degree (or) Diploma in Computer Science (or) Computer Engineering (or) Computer Application (or) Information Technology (or) Software Engineering (or) Computing (or) Computer Information System (or) Computer Design approved by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education/ Directorate of Technical Education (or) an equivalent body shall not be required to acquire the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation.
Candidates who do not possess Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu may also apply.
If selected, they should acquire such qualification within the period of their probation or within two years from the date of appointment to the post, as the case may be.

16. Posts Name: Steno-Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

Qualification: 1. Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification
2. Must have passed the Government Technical Examinations in Typewriting English Higher / Senior Grade, in Typewriting Tamil Lower / Junior Grade and Shorthand English Higher / Senior Grade
Note: Preference shall be given to a person who, in addition to the above qualification, has passed the Government Technical Examinations in Tamil Typewriting by the Higher Grade.
3. A pass in Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu

Note: Candidates who possess a Degree (or) Diploma in Computer Science (or) Computer Engineering (or) Computer Application (or) Information Technology (or) Software Engineering (or) Computing (or) Computer Information System (or) Computer Design approved by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education/ Directorate of Technical Education (or) an equivalent body shall not be required to acquire the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation.
Candidates who do not possess a Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu may also apply.
If selected, they should acquire such qualification within the period of their probation or within two years from the date of appointment to the post, as the case may be.

17. Posts Name: Steno-Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Text Book and Educational Services Corporation

Qualification: 1. A degree from a recognized University or Institution 2. Must have passed the Government Technical Examination both in Typewriting and in Shorthand;
– by Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and English (or)
– by Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and Lower/Junior Grade in English (or)
– by Higher / Senior Grade in English and Lower/ Junior Grade in Tamil.
3. Must have passed the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu

Note: Candidates who possess a Degree (or) Diploma in Computer Science (or) Computer Engineering (or) Computer Application (or) Information Technology (or) Software Engineering (or) Computing (or) Computer Information System (or) Computer Design approved by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education/ Directorate of Technical Education (or) an equivalent body shall not be required to acquire the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation.

18. Posts Name: Personal Assistant to Chairman (Steno Typist II)

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

Qualification: 1. A degree from a recognized University or Institution
2. Must have passed the Government Technical Examinations in Typewriting and Shorthand:
a. by the Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and English or
b. by the Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and Lower / Junior Grade in English (or)
c. by the Higher / Senior Grade in English and Lower / Junior Grade in Tamil.
3. Must have passed the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu

Note: Candidates who possess Degree (or) Diploma in Computer Science (or) Computer Engineering (or) Computer Application (or) Information Technology (or) Software Engineering (or) Computing (or) Computer Information System (or) Computer Design approved by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education/ Directorate of Technical Education (or) an equivalent body shall not be required to acquire the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation.

19. Posts Name: Personal Clerk to Managing Director/General Manager (Steno Typist III)

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

Qualification: 1. A degree from a recognized University or Institution
2. Must have passed the Government Technical Examinations in Typewriting and Shorthand;
a. by the Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and English or
b. by the Higher / Senior Grade in Tamil and Lower / Junior Grade in English (or)
c. by the Higher / Senior Grade in English and Lower / Junior Grade in Tamil. 3
. Must have passed the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu

Note: Candidates who possess a Degree (or) Diploma in Computer Science (or) Computer Engineering (or) Computer Application (or) Information Technology (or) Software Engineering (or) Computing (or) Computer Information System (or) Computer Design approved by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education/ Directorate of Technical Education (or) an equivalent body shall not be required to acquire the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation.

20. Posts Name: Private Secretary (Grade-III)

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

Qualification: 1. A degree from a recognized University or Institution
2. Must have passed the Government Technical Examination in Typewriting Higher / Senior grade in English and Lower / Junior Grade in Tamil
3. Must have passed the Government Technical Examination in Shorthand Higher / Senior grade in English and Lower / Junior Grade in Tamil.
4. Must have passed the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu

Note: Candidates who possess Degree (or) Diploma in Computer Science (or) Computer Engineering (or) Computer Application (or) Information Technology (or) Software Engineering (or) Computing (or) Computer Information System (or) Computer Design approved by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education/ Directorate of Technical Education (or) an equivalent body shall not be required to acquire the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation.

21. Posts Name: Junior Executive (Office)

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

Qualification: 1. A degree from a recognized University or Institution
2. Must have passed in Co-operative Training.
3. Must have passed the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu

Note: Candidates who possess a Degree (or) Diploma in Computer Science (or) Computer Engineering (or) Computer Application (or) Information Technology (or) Software Engineering (or) Computing (or) Computer Information System (or) Computer Design approved by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education/ Directorate of Technical Education (or) an equivalent body shall not be required to acquire the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation.

22. Posts Name: Junior Executive (Typing)

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

Qualification: 1. A degree from a recognized University or Institution
2. Must have passed Government Technical Examination in Typewriting Higher / Senior Grade in English and Tamil
3. Must have passed the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu

Note: Candidates who possess a Degree (or) Diploma in Computer Science (or) Computer Engineering (or) Computer Application (or) Information Technology (or) Software Engineering (or) Computing (or) Computer Information System (or) Computer Design approved by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education/ Directorate of Technical Education (or) an equivalent body shall not be required to acquire the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation.

23. Posts Name: Receptionist – Telephone Operator

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

Qualification: 1. Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification
2. Certificate Course in Telephone Operation from a recognized institution
3. Must have passed the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation conducted by the Technical Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu

Note: Candidates who possess a Degree (or) Diploma in Computer Science (or) Computer Engineering (or) Computer Application (or) Information Technology (or) Software Engineering (or) Computing (or) Computer Information System (or) Computer Design approved by the University Grants Commission / All India Council for Technical Education/ Directorate of Technical Education (or) an equivalent body shall not be required to acquire the Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation.

24.  Posts Name: Milk Recorder, Grade III

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

Qualification: 1. A degree from a recognized University or Institution
2. Must have passed in Co-operative Training.

25. Posts Name: Laboratory Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Forensic Science Subordinate Service

Qualification: Must have passed Higher Secondary Course with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology / Botany and Zoology as subjects.

26. Posts Name: Bill Collector

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service / Town Panchayat Department

Qualification: Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification (10th)

27. Posts Name: Senior Factory Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

Qualification: Must have passed Higher Secondary Course or Must have passed Secondary School Leaving Certificate or its equivalent, with ITI in any trade

28. Posts Name: Forest Guard

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

Qualification: 1. A pass in Higher Secondary Course with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Zoology, or Botany as one of the subjects.
2. Other things being equal, preference shall be given to persons who have been discharged from the Army Service (Land Force).

29. Posts Name: Forest Guard with Driving License

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

Qualification: 1. A pass in Higher Secondary Course with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Zoology, or Botany as one of the subjects.
2. Must possess a valid driving license issued by the competent Transport Authority.
3. Must possess a certificate from a reputed firm or company to the effect that the candidate possesses experience in driving Light Motor Vehicles / Heavy Motor Vehicles for a period of not less than three years after getting the driving license.
4. Must possess basic knowledge about the general mechanism of automobiles.
5. Must possess first aid certificate issued by a recognized organization in Tamil Nadu
6. Other things being equal, preference shall be given to persons who have been discharged from the Army Service (Land Force).

30. Posts Name: Forest Watcher

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

Qualification: 1. Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification
2. Other things being equal, preference shall be given to persons who have been discharged from the Army Service (Land Force).

31. Posts Name: Forest Watcher (Tribal Youth)

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

Qualification: 1. Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification
2. Other things being equal, preference shall be given to persons who have been discharged from the Army Service (Land Force).

32. Posts Name: Junior Inspector of Cooperative Societies

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

Qualification: For SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BC(OBCM)s, BCMs category
1. Must Possess Minimum General Educational Qualification or The certificate of eligibility for College course of studies in the Madras, Madurai, and Annamalai Universities issued by the Board of Secondary Education or by any other competent authority.
For Categories other than SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BC(OBCM)s, BCMs
2. A pass in the Intermediate Examination or a pass in the Pre-University Examination of any University or Institutions recognized by the University Grants Commission for its financial grant.
3. If other things being equal, preference shall be given to the candidates possessing such qualifications and in such order as specified below;
a. A degree in Commerce; or
b. Higher Diploma in Co-operative Management awarded by the Nates an Institute of Cooperative Management, Chennai, or Institute of Co-operative Management, Madurai

TNPSC Group IV Recruitment 2024- Age Limit:

1. Posts Name: Village Administrative Officer

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 42 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 42 maximum age limit

2. Posts Name: Junior Assistant (Non-Security)

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial /Judicial Ministerial Service

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 37 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 34 maximum age limit

3. Posts Name: Junior Assistant (Security)

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 37 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 34 maximum age limit

4. Posts Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 37 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 34 maximum age limit

5. Posts Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Waqf Board

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 37 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 34 maximum age limit

6. Posts Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 37 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 34 maximum age limit

7. Posts Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation Ltd.,

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 37 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 34 maximum age limit

8. Posts Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Text Book and Educational Services Corporation

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 37 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 34 maximum age limit

9. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Medicinal Plant Farms and Herbal Medicine Corporation

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 37 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 34 maximum age limit

10. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial / Judicial Ministerial / Secretariat / Legislative Assembly Secretariat Service

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 37 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 34 maximum age limit

11. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 37 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 34 maximum age limit

12. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 37 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 34 maximum age limit

13. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation Ltd.,

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 37 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 34 maximum age limit

14. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Text Book and Educational Services Corporation

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 37 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 34 maximum age limit

15. Posts Name: Steno-Typist (Grade – III)

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial / Judicial Ministerial Service

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: No maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: No maximum age limit

16. Posts Name: Steno-Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: No maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: No maximum age limit

17. Posts Name: Steno-Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Text Book and Educational Services Corporation

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: No maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: No maximum age limit

18. Posts Name: Personal Assistant to Chairman (Steno Typist II)

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: No maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: No maximum age limit

19. Posts Name: Personal Clerk to Managing Director/General Manager (Steno Typist III)

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: No maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: No maximum age limit

20. Posts Name: Private Secretary (Grade-III)

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: No maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: No maximum age limit

21. Posts Name: Junior Executive (Office)

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: No maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: No maximum age limit

22. Posts Name: Junior Executive (Typing)

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: No maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: No maximum age limit

23. Posts Name: Receptionist – Telephone Operator

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: No maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: No maximum age limit

24.  Posts Name: Milk Recorder, Grade III

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: No maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: No maximum age limit

25. Posts Name: Laboratory Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Forensic Science Subordinate Service

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: No maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: No maximum age limit

26. Posts Name: Bill Collector

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service / Town Panchayat Department

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: No maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: No maximum age limit

27. Posts Name: Senior Factory Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: No maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: No maximum age limit

28. Posts Name: Forest Guard

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: No maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: No maximum age limit

29. Posts Name: Forest Guard with Driving License

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 39 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 37 maximum age limit

30. Posts Name: Forest Watcher

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 37 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 37 maximum age limit

31. Posts Name: Forest Watcher (Tribal Youth)

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 37 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 37 maximum age limit

32. Posts Name: Junior Inspector of Cooperative Societies

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

SCs, SC(A)s, STs, and Destitute Widows of all Communities: 37 maximum age limit

MBCs/ DCs, BC (OBCM)s and BCMs: 37 maximum age limit

TNPSC Group IV Recruitment 2024- Salary Details:

1. Posts Name: Village Administrative Officer

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service

Salary: Rs.19,500 – 71,900 (CPS)

2. Posts Name: Junior Assistant (Non-Security)

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial /Judicial Ministerial Service

Salary: Rs.19,500 – 71,900 (CPS)

3. Posts Name: Junior Assistant (Security)

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service

Salary: Rs.19,500 – 71,900 (CPS)

4. Posts Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

Salary: Rs.19,500 – 62,000 (EPF)/-

5. Posts Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Waqf Board

Salary:Rs.19,500 – 62,000 (EPF)/-

6. Posts Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board

Salary: Rs.19,500 – 62,000 (EPF)/-

7. Posts Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation Ltd.,

Salary:Rs.19,500 – 62,000 (EPF)/-

8. Posts Name: Junior Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Text Book and Educational Services Corporation

Salary: Rs.19,500 – 62,000 (EPF)/-

9. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Medicinal Plant Farms and Herbal Medicine Corporation

Salary: Rs.19,500 – 71,900 (EPF)

10. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial / Judicial Ministerial / Secretariat / Legislative Assembly Secretariat Service

Salary: Rs.19,500 – 71,900 (EPF)

11. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

Salary: Rs.19,500 – 62,000 (EPF)

12. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation Ltd.

Salary: Rs.19,500 – 62,000 (EPF)

13. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation Ltd.,

Salary: Rs.19,500 – 71,900 (EPF)

14. Posts Name: Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Text Book and Educational Services Corporation

Salary: Rs.19,500 – 62,000 (EPF)

15. Posts Name: Steno-Typist (Grade – III)

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial / Judicial Ministerial Service

Salary: Rs.20,600 – 75,900 (CPS)

16. Posts Name: Steno-Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

Salary:Rs.20,600 – 65,500 (EPF)

17. Posts Name: Steno-Typist

Department: Tamil Nadu Text Book and Educational Services Corporation

Salary:Rs.20,600 – 65,500 (EPF)

18. Posts Name: Personal Assistant to Chairman (Steno Typist II)

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

Salary:Rs.20,600 – 65,500 (EPF)

19. Posts Name: Personal Clerk to Managing Director/General Manager (Steno Typist III)

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

Salary:Rs.19,500 – 62,000 (EPF)

20. Posts Name: Private Secretary (Grade-III)

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

Salary:Rs.20,600 – 65,500 (@)

21. Posts Name: Junior Executive (Office)

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

Salary:Rs.19,500 – 62,000 (EPF)

22. Posts Name: Junior Executive (Typing)

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

Salary:Rs.19,500 – 62,000 (EPF)

23. Posts Name: Receptionist – Telephone Operator

Department: Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.,

Salary:Rs.19,500 – 62,000 (EPF)

24.  Posts Name: Milk Recorder, Grade III

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

Salary: Rs. 18,200 – 57,900 (@)

25. Posts Name: Laboratory Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Forensic Science Subordinate Service

Salary:Rs.19,500 – 71,900 (CPS)

26. Posts Name: Bill Collector

Department: Tamil Nadu Ministerial Service / Town Panchayat Department

Salary:Rs.19,500 – 71,900 (CPS)

27. Posts Name: Senior Factory Assistant

Department: Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Ltd.,

Salary:Rs.15,900 – 50,400 (@)

28. Posts Name: Forest Guard

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

Salary:Rs.18,200 – 57,900 (CPS)

29. Posts Name: Forest Guard with Driving License

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

Salary:Rs.18,200 – 57,900 (CPS)

30. Posts Name: Forest Watcher

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

Salary: Rs.16,600 – 52,400 (CPS)

31. Posts Name: Forest Watcher (Tribal Youth)

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

Salary: Rs.16,600 – 52,400 (CPS)

32. Posts Name: Junior Inspector of Cooperative Societies

Department: Tamil Nadu Forest Subordinate Service

Salary: Rs.20,600 – 75,900 (CPS)

TNPSC Group IV Recruitment 2024-Selection Process:

Posts other than Forest Guard, Forest Guard with Driving License, Forest Watcher, and Forest Watcher (Tribal Youth)

1.Written Exam (Objective Type) (OMR Method)

2. Certificate Verification

Posts of Forest Guard, Forest Guard with Driving License, Forest Watcher, and Forest Watcher (Tribal Youth)

1.Written Exam (Objective Type) (OMR Method)

2. Certificate Verification

3. Physical Standards and Endurance Test

TNPSC Group IV Recruitment 2024-Application Fee:

1.The examination fee of Rs. 100 (Rupees One hundred only) should be paid at the time of submitting the online application for this recruitment, unless exemption of fee is claimed.

2. Candidates belonging to special categories can avail of exemption from paying examination fees as per eligibility criteria. For further details refer to Annexure II of this Notification.

3. The total number of free chances availed, will be calculated based on claims made in previous applications. The number of free chances availed by the candidate may be verified by the Commission at any stage of the selection process. In case a candidate makes a false claim for exemption from payment of the application fee by suppressing information regarding his/her previous application(s), his/her candidature shall be rejected after due process and he/she shall be debarred for a period of one year, from appearing for examinations conducted by the Commission.

4. Candidates are directed to carefully choose the options “Yes” or “No” regarding availing of the fee concession. The choice made, cannot be modified or edited after successful submission of the online application. Candidates are advised in their own interest, to keep an account of the number of times fee concession has been availed, irrespective of the information displayed in the <Application History> of the candidate dashboard.

5. An application (irrespective of the post applied for) claiming fee concession will operate to exclude one chance from the number of free chances allowed. Candidates who have availed the maximum number of free chances permitted / candidates who do not wish to avail of the fee concession/candidates who are not eligible for fee concession shall choose the option “No” against the query regarding fee concession. Such candidates shall thereafter pay the requisite fee through the prescribed mode of payment.

6. After submitting the details in the online application, the candidates can pay the examination fee by online mode through Net Banking / Credit card / Debit card on

TNPSC Group IV Recruitment 2024-How To Apply:

Candidate(s) fulfilling all the above clearly laid down criteria will have to apply online only through the link on the TNPSC website in the careers webpage under current openings section i.e. from 30.01.2024 to 28.02.2024. No other mode of application will be accepted.

TNPSC Group IV Recruitment 2024-Important Dates:

TNPSC Group 4 Online Apply Starting Date:


TNPSC Group 4 Online Apply Last End Date:


Date and time of Written Examination: 09.06.2024 09.30 A.M. to 12.30 P.M.

TNPSC Group IV Recruitment 2024-Official Notification & Application Link:

TNPSC Official Website Career Page Click Here

TNPSC Official Notification (English) PDF Click Here

TNPSC Official Notification (Tamil) PDF Click Here

TNPSC One Time Registration Link  Click Here

TNPSC Online Application Form Click Here
















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