POST NAME: Project Assistant
PAY SCALE: Rs.24,400/-to 25,900/-
AGE LIMIT: The upper age limit prescribed for the posts shall be 30 years as on 27 October 2020. The upper age limit is relaxable by 3 years for OBC (Non Creamy Layer) candidates and 5 years for SC/ST candidates in posts reserved for them. The upper age limit shall be relaxable for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) & Exservicemen as per Government of India guidelines subject to a maximum age of 45 years.
QUALIFICATION: Essential: Three year Diploma in Commercial Practice with minimum 60% of marks from
a State Board of Technical Education. OR Bachelor’s Degree in Arts (other than Fine Arts/Performing Arts)/ Science/ Mathematics/ Commerce/ Computer Applications/ Business Administration with 60% of marks from a recognized University.
Desirable: Proficiency in Computer Applications like SAP, MS Project, MS Office etc.
SELECATION PROCASS: The method of selection for the posts shall be through Objective Type Online test and
Descriptive Type Test which shall be conducted out of 100 marks and marks awarded accordingly.
HOE TO APPLY: Applicants should go through the User Manual and FAQ published in the link (Careers page) before filling the online application. The application consists of two phases – One time Registration and submission of application against the post applicable. Applicants should not submit more than one application. Application once submitted shall be final.
LAST DATE OF APPLY: 27.10.2020.
Further information regarding this employment is available under the Official notification Link